我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-05-17 17:36:37 五年级 我要投稿




五年级英语作文 篇1

  There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday.

  On Saturday, I often go to my dancing class in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon, and I often help my mother do some cleaning. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something happily.

  We often have a good time.

五年级英语作文 篇2


  Our teacher's day we had a very happy, because this is the first time we feel the teacher's hard work and the teacher mood.


  We gave them many gifts to teachers, there are large, with a small, red, black. A wide variety, but the teacher how to see all don't like happy, but we didn't see, the class is still making trouble, the teacher more and more unhappy, we when the teacher most unhappy finally read out, the teacher was to say why he is upset, originally, the teacher wasn't happy because we were not good enough, the teacher said, teacher's Day gift is not important, important is to give the teacher a listen carefully to the heart. Afternoon we all understand, we show it is a very good, the teacher in the school when said: "although you have given me the best gift in the morning, but the afternoon, you gave me not only the best, but the most precious gift." We listen to the words of the teacher, we next class heard more seriously, current school, we understand the hard work of teachers and mood, mood is our teacher carefully in class, the teacher mood will be happy, this is the teacher's mood, the teacher's hard work would be because of this.


  This day we have been very happy, because to understand the teacher's mood and hard, also understand a lot of truth.

五年级英语作文 篇3

There is a zoo near my house.The zoo is very big and very beautiful ,the zoo has some kinds of animals ,pandas,lions,tigers,elephants,monkeys.

  Panda is very cute and very fat ,but it is not my favourite animal.Lion is very strong ,but it isn’t my favourite animal ,because it isn’t very handsome.

  Tiger is very strong and very handsome ,it’s my favourite animal,because it’s very strong and very handsome.Elephant is tall and strong .it likes carring things.Monkey is not very quiet.

  it likes running.

  All the animals are interesting.

五年级英语作文 篇4

  Last year,I had a good holiday in Dalian,I went to the summer camp with my brother.It was such a wonderf journey.I played the water with my brother.And in the afternoon,we had lunch on the grass.Our food was made in the fast food restaurant.It was so delicious that my brother and I all liked it.And in the evening,I finished my homework,then I helped my brother study the English grammar.Then we went to bed . What a beautiful day!But we couldn’t stay there for a long time.So I decided that I must study hard and then go into the universities in Dalian.

五年级英语作文 篇5

  虽然小姨的学历比我高,但她会读的英语却只有可怜的一小撮。为了让小姨也能跟上时代,有事没事说两句英语,我就给小姨当了一回临时小老师,教她学英语。 “跟我读,each,each。”我说。“each,什么意思?”“的'意思。”小姨“哦”了一声,低下头在本子上记下几笔。

  “再多练几遍,小姨!”小姨一边看着本子一边念:“each,each。”“唔,不错。再来下一个。桃子,peach。”我大声说。“peach,peach。”小姨跟着读了两遍,又在本子上写了些什么。 我继续教小姨,她读得挺认真,但总是要在本子上写一写。我可不管这么多,只要她读对就行了。最后,我要小姨把刚才学的单词读一遍,她照着那个小本子,一个一个地念,居然全读对了。

  我兴奋得一蹦三尺高,这个小老师当得真不错! 吃过晚饭,小姨洗衣服去了,我偷偷拿起小姨的本子,想看看她到底写了什么。真是不看不知道,一看吓一跳――each一尺,桃子僻起…… 我又好气又好笑地对小姨说:“要你学英语,不是汉字!给单词注上汉字怎么能学好呢?”小姨有点理亏地说:“可我光看单词不会读呀!”我只好又不厌其烦地教小姨认音标读单词。 也怪,小姨的单词越学越好,“胃口”也大了。于是,我又开始教小姨英语句子。


五年级英语作文 篇6

  My favorite season is summer. It's hot in summer. There is a summer vacation in summer. I don't go to school. I think many children like this season, because they can eat ice-cream and go swimming. I can go swimming. Sometimes I go to the beach with my parents. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool with my friends. I usually visit many places in summer vacation.


五年级英语作文 篇7

  A little boy took part in the TV show when he was two years old. As a celebrity, people watched all his movements. Sometimes when this boy was crying, the audience said he was spoiled by his parents. But when they saw more, they thought this boy was so lovely, because he was kind and very polite. We can’t judge a person by the first impression.


五年级英语作文 篇8

  At 7 o 'clock in the morning, the whole family got up quickly, after breakfast. We arrived in the north station on a Thursday, palace. Grandma see us pleasantly surprised, hurriedly put the tea into my hand, call me hot to eat, and then, we brought the necessary supplies up the mountain to grave ancestor worship. On a steep mountain road, left foot, right foot, climb across the stumps, thorns, I had a try, finally climbed up the first hill. After a while, we climbed up the mountain again, in grandpa's grave, I happily say: "grandpa, we came to see you.










