我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-03-01 13:42:04 五年级 我要投稿




五年级英语作文300字 篇1

  It was sunday afternoon. li ming and i were walking to the park. suddenly we saw a boy fall off his bike. we both hurried to him. since one of his legs was hurt badly the boy couldn't stand up. he began to cry and we tried to comfort him. we put him on the bike and took him to hospital. the boy got treated at once. i telephoned his parents and told them about the whole story.

  They thanked us again and again. it was dark then and we said goodbye to them. we felt happy though we couldn't get to the park.

五年级英语作文300字 篇2

  My hobby is collecting stamps(集邮). There are many stamps in my room. I like stamps very much. There are many things on the stamps. They are colorful and beautiful. After school I usually go to the post office and there are many people there. I learn a lot from collecting stamps. I like collecting stamps very much.



五年级英语作文300字 篇3


五年级英语作文300字 篇4


  我 坐在客厅里,一边等客户,一边想象我说英语时的情景,还不停叨念着我要讲的几句话。刚过一会儿,妈妈就带领客户来到大厅了。妈妈先和他们聊了聊,就请我和 他们说说话。我羞怯地低下了头,妈妈悄声说:“你不是想要露一手吗?快点吧!”听到妈妈催促我,我才羞当当地走到他们面前。

  开始时,我很 紧张,不过还是克服了紧张,说了一句:“ Good morning!(早上好!)”客户觉得挺有意思,就应了一声,我突然想起他给我了几个巧克力,很感激,说了一声:“Thanks for your chocolate!(谢谢你的巧克力!)”我又开始自我介绍:“My name is Mona.(因为我的英语名叫MONA)”同时他也说出了自己的名字。“Nice to meet you.”"Nice to meet you,too"“How are you?”“I'm fine.”我和他逐渐成为了好朋友,我也不害怕了。


五年级英语作文300字 篇5

  Fang Zhaoyi

  In this one summer, I learn to write a composition in composition class.

  In the house of this white wall, we pile stone in this place, go searching many a stone in a pouch, final pitch on the roundest the biggest stone.

  I piled a penguin, but the again and again is flat, rose again again. I had piled up it finally. Call a teacher to look immediately, but the teacher does not come tardy, when I am disappointed, the teacher came however.

  My penguin was patted finally.

  Judge: Keep the business that was clear that oneself had been experienced, this game of summer is interesting!

五年级英语作文300字 篇6


  oh! spring in coming.

  look! all the things are reviving. the world is colorful. the trees and grass are green. flowers are beautiful. some are red. some are yellow.

  some are purple. the birds are flying in the blue sky. the bees are singing. they are very busy. they are making honey. the butterflies are dancing in the garden. the children are playing games.

  i like spring.









