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时间:2017-09-17 编辑:超林 手机版



  I. 教学目标:

  1. 掌握本课关于天气的生词和短语;

  2. 学习和了解怎样谈天气;

  3. 掌握There be句型的时态和结构变化。


  1. 拼读生词。

  2. 回顾并整理有关天气的词汇和句子。

  3. 朗读课文,完成Ex 1。

  4. 阅读理解:朗读课文,完成任务:

    1) What is Danny doing ?

  2) Why is today’s weather strange?

  3) Talk about the weather today.

  5. 找出文中重点内容并展示在黑板上。

  6. 整理自己的知识难点。

  7. 结合图标,猜测“Dig In”中有关天气状况的词汇。

  III. 释疑解惑:

  1. on the radio: 在播音; 通过广播

  2. 10°C:ten degrees centigrade

  3. It is going to rain. 天要下雨。

  4. There be

  e.g. There is a child near the door.

  ---Is there a child near the door?

   There is not a child near the door.

  There are some books on the desk.

  There ___ (be)a pen and some books on the desk.

  There will be lots of fresh meat tomorrow.

  5. be scared of ≈ be afraid of: I am scared of thunder.

  6. 观察下列单词的构成:afternoon, sunset, sunrise, thunderstorm, etc. 要求学生总结结论,并完成Ex 3。

  IV. 当堂检测:

  1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空:

  1) I was caught in the rain in a ___________(阵雨) on my way to school.

  2) In Britain, the sun ______(落下)much later in summer.

  3) We need to know the ________(准确的) time.

  4) They are talking about s________ and sunset.

  5) Please don’t go out this afternoon. There will be a heavy t________.

  2. 单项选择:

   1)Jane wanted to learn English _____ the radio.

    A. in   B. with   C. through   D. on

    2) _____ is the temperature today?

    A. What  B. How   C. How many  D. How much

   3) Don’t be _____ the young man.

    A. scared to   B. scared of   C. angry to   D. angry of

   4) ---- Do you think it will be cool tomorrow?

    ---- _____. It has been too hot for a week.

   5) There _____ be a rain the day after tomorrow.

    A. shall   B. are going to   C. is going   D. will

  V. 任务布置:

   1. 整理笔记,复习本课知识点;

   2. 运用相关句式,口头练习天气预报的播报;

   3. 完成《练习册》L1作业;

   4. 按照既往要求,预习L2,初步完成Ex1 & Ex2.










