我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-07-16 10:29:52 五年级 我要投稿




五年级英语作文 篇1

  May Day has been finished, the teacher ask me: "such a long holiday, do you have any harvest?" Oh, I just think, such a long holiday, what I got? I say I don't know to the teacher, the teacher is very tired, because the teacher asked me a lot of problems I always said I don't know, the teacher thought that I would not like to communicate with her, don't want to say, in fact she was wrong, I really didn't get anything, there is no harvest, at least I think so. The teacher asked me to write a composition, let me write the May Day.

  It can be difficult to me, I a long vacation, the same Sunday, boring through. In order to complete the tasks given by our teacher, I try to recall, think of a harvest in the May Day holiday. Harvest should be done from always get!!!! The May Day  and I do what? Doing homework, playing games. A May Day I so monotonous had done, and what can harvest it?

  In order to complete the task, say what I have to say two harvest. Even though it may be of garbage again. I wrote in the essay "a May Day to do a lot of homework, I know a lot of questions, lays the foundation for an examination." Said a pile of meaningless words. When I finished writing the composition, and I suddenly woke up, I can't harvest is so? Harvesting can always find in done. Think of this, and I think may do one more thing - to play games. After I grew up to the big game, in the five one playing games, what do I get in? I finished the game has been played bored, also can have what? "Why don't you always play games, go outing, wanted to take you out to play, you don't go." My mother said to me. Right! It is day and night playing games makes me so boring, feel life is meaningless, there's nothing to do, no pleasure of life. Why my extra-curricular life is too monotonous. Games let I can't find my harvest in a holiday. Right! This is what I May 1 to play games.

  Really do everything there will always be it the meaning of value, is only a question of how much, can't be none. What we should think about what we have, and what you need, to enrich our life.

五年级英语作文 篇2

  There are many more days on Sundays, and the number of shells on the beach is numbered. Now I'll pick one of the most beautiful, give you a look!

  "Birds in front of the lead, the wind blowing to us, we like ... ..." I sing a happy song, while the father and mother, entered the door of Kowloon Park.

  Yeah, so many fun toys Yeah, there are merry-go-round, there are torrent Yong Jin, naughty city, bumper car ... ... let me see dazzling.

  We first came to the rapids of the ticket office, bought three tickets, we have a family of three boat. Boat slowly drift drift drift, came to the rapids mouth, the boat immediately became oblique. To the highest point, accompanied by a small "ah" screaming, like a quarrel of the arrow-like rushed down, finally was scared, I long sighed, but did not last long, we And soon came to a ghost gate - the second drool, the boat and slowly came to the door of the ghost of the "cliff", looked down, ah, so high ah, I scared wits, but God seems to live with me Like the boat quickly from the "cliff" on the push down, splashing water everywhere, sprayed on the road, the road wet, as if just under a spring like.

  Then we went to the Hala Temple. I stood in front of a mirror to see, the mirror I became a big fat man, the first small body big. Hey, how do I have a black at the foot of the big things do not fall it? I look at God, Oh yeah, incredible, because ah, that big thing is actually only big rats.

  I ran to my father and mother in one breath, hesitant to just see everything, all told them both. They heard, immediately laughed and laughed, the original, is the Haha mirror to the mouse bigger! I think about it, yes, how did I not think of it? Think of here, I can not help but laughing up. Haha mirror will turn me into a thin bean sprouts, while I turned into a big fat man, laughing me like the August orange - from ear to ear ... ...

  This is really a happy Sunday!

五年级英语作文 篇3


  The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, every May in Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, festival, festival on May afternoon, five days Festival, AI Festival, terminal five, afternoon, afternoon, the summer festival, was originally a summer holiday from plague.


  According to "historical records" "Qu Jia biography" records, Qu Yuan, is the spring and Autumn period chuhuaiwang ministers. He advocated the virtuous empowerment, enriching, strongly linked Qi Qin, is strongly opposed by the son of noble Abram, Qu Yuan was greedy removal, was driven out of the capital, exiled to the yuan, Xiang river. He was in exile, wrote his "Li Sao", "heaven", "Nine Songs" and other immortal poems, unique style, profound (and thus, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the poet Festival). In 278 BC, the Qin Chu kyoto. Qu Yuan saw that his country was invaded, heartbroken, but always not abandon their country, in May 5th, was written in words as "Huai Sha", bouldering Miluo River to die, to their own lives and write a magnificent patriotic movement.

  朱宣咸中国画《端午佳节》 传说屈原死后,楚国百姓哀痛异常,纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。渔夫们划起船只,在江上来回打捞他的真身。有位渔夫拿出为屈原准备的饭团、鸡蛋等食物,“扑通、扑通”地丢进江里,说是让鱼龙虾蟹吃饱了,就不会去咬屈大夫的身体了。人们见后纷纷仿效。一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用楝树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成棕子。

  Zhu Xuanxian China painting "Dragon Boat Festival" the legend of Qu Yuan's death, Chu abnormal grief people, have rushed to Miluo River to pay their respects to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed boats, back and forth on the river to salvage his real body. A fisherman out of rice ready for Qu Yuan, eggs and other food, "plop, plop into the river to throw, let the fish and shrimp to eat, not to bite the flexor doctor. People imitate one after another after seeing. An old physician, a jug of wine poured into the river, say to medicine Halo Water Dragon beast, so as not to harm flexor doctor. Later, as if for the Dragon Balls food, people come up with neem leaves board, color outside the winding wire, developed into a brown son.


  Later, in the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year in May, have dragon boat races, eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine customs; in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

五年级英语作文 篇4

  This summer holiday I plan to go to the beach.I will go there with my parents and cousins.We'll stay there for three days at the local hotel.The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had.Because we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night.I'm really looking foward to it.


五年级英语作文 篇5

  Computers started to become popular with big companies in the 1960s.


  You’ve probably known about computers your whole life. But computers have not really been around for very long. Computers started to become popular with big companies in the 1960s. Computers didn’t become widespread in homes and schools until the 1980s.


  People use computers in many ways. Stores use computers to keep track of products and check you out at the cash register. Banks use computers to send money all over the world.

  Computers help teachers keep track of lessons and grades. They help students do research and learn. Computers let you hook up to networks (many computers hooked together). They let you hook up to a worldwide network called the Internet.

  Scientists use computers to solve research problems. Engineers use computers to make cars, trucks, and airplanes. Architects use computers to design houses and other buildings. The police use computers to track down criminals. The military uses computers to make and read coded messages.









