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时间:2023-11-24 08:51:46 诗琳 推荐作文 我要投稿
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  秋游英语作文 1

  Its autumn today. Location to undersea world. I cant sleep at the news.


  At seven oclock in the morning, we gathered at the school gate, and we set out at half past seven. In the car, we talked and laughed, and soon we arrived at the underwater world. As soon as we got there, we saw a lot of people who were playing, and we all entered the underwater world in line.


  Go straight in, I saw a very strange fish, it is difficult to say what it looks like. See above write: "do not put your hand in, be careful of fish bite!" Then I met a giant fish about 80 cm long and 15 cm wide. When I saw it, I sighed: how could there be such a big fish in the world!


  Then we came to the jellyfish Museum and saw all kinds of jellyfish, some smaller than the thumb, some larger than the head, some longer than the arm.


  Then we walked all the way to the Polar Museum and saw the massive polar bears and the Antarctic penguins swinging and walking.


  Finally, I came to the dolphin house to watch the performance. First of all, the sea lion came out, and he showed us the rolling and catching. Then the dolphin came out. It showed us how to catch the hula hoop, jump and head the ball in the water... The program ended in warm applause.


  How interesting the underwater world is!


  秋游英语作文 2

  I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life.

  Children show you their true emotions. They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults. In their world, all real thoughts are presented. They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never understand what is animosity. They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other. Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more enjoyable.

  I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place to live in.

  秋游英语作文 3

  I love travelling. When I was young, my parents always took me to other places to visit, such as Beijing, Zhuhai and Guilin. But as I grow up, there’s such a heavy study-pressure that I can hardly afford time and energy to travel. Fortunately, I can “travel” to a lot of far-away attractions in the fantastic world of books and TV. Recently I have learnt about Rio De Janeiro from books. I feel excited and want very much to travel there.

  Rio De Janeiro lies along the coast of Atlantic Ocean. It’s Brazil’s second largest city. Firstly, I love the climate in Rio De Janeiro. Sea climate is comfortable and it never gets too dry or too wet. Secondly, I love the beautiful beaches. I always form a picture in my mind of being at the seaside. I imagine myself walking on the beach. The sunshine is mild in the late afternoon and I feel the soft wind moving across my face. I can see the sun moving slowly below the sea level, just like a hot, red ball falling into the water. Some seagulls are flying above the sea and others rest themselves on ship-boards. I take off my shoes. Soft sand flows through my toes. Little waves sometimes run towards me and wet my trousers, just like naughty children. I enjoy this feast for both my body and spirit. Now I know that the beauty of nature is the greatest beauty in the world.

  Alone, I’m just walking, walking and walking……

  秋游英语作文 4

  Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It is the best time for going on a trip.

  Last Sunday we went to the countryside. There was golden wheat all over the fields/The fields were covered with golden wheat. Large and colourful apples and pears were hanging on the trees. We could see some peasants were busy getting in the crops in the fields, and others were picking fruits under the trees. All the baskets were full of lovely fruits. It was also the fruit of the peasants' labour. “ No pains, no gains. ” What a magnificent/beautiful picture(it was)! It seemed as if we were wandering in a splendid/wonderful world.

  I love autumn. I love the harvest time.

  秋游英语作文 5

  Perhaps autumn is the most pleasant season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. This is the best time for a trip.Last Sunday, we went to the countryside. There are golden wheat covered/golden field wheat covered. Large and colorful apples and pears hang on trees. We can see that some farmers are busy harvesting crops in all fields and picking fruits under trees. All the baskets are full of cute fruit. This is also the fruits of peasant labor. "No pains, no gains. What a magnificent/beautiful picture! Its like were in a brilliant/beautiful world.

  I love autumn. The harvest time I love.

  秋游英语作文 6


  Yesterday, it was my first autumn outing in primary school, and I cant wait to think of Tian Tian education base.


  We got there by car, its a meadow. Lets play tug of war first. The girls win and the boys lose. When we were hungry and thirsty, we laid a mat to rest on the grass and took out our food for lunch. Then we played the maze, we walked along and the students were separated, Zhang Zicheng and I walked out of the maze.


  We had a great time in this autumn outing!

  秋游英语作文 7

  I am going to take advantage of my holiday to have a tour around the town.I have two hundred yuan in my hand.Here below is my plan for the travel.

  I plan to go there by train and (go)back by bus,this will cost me fifty yuan.Besides that,I will stay there for about three days,in other words,I need to live in the hotel for two nights.This will cost me forty yuan.Also I need to pay about forty-five yuan for my own meal.After knocking out all these fees,I still have about seventy yuan left.I am going to buy some presents for my parents.

  Well that is my travel plan.

  秋游英语作文 8


  This years autumn tour is to Hongyang square. In the early morning, we set out by bus with our teacher. After crossing the Yangtze River Bridge, we saw it. We were very happy.


  There are many scary and scary projects here. Like the Tiger Beach Park in Dalian, which my mother took me to in summer, all the fun projects are in line, but there are also projects that our children play. Its very happy.

  秋游英语作文 9

  Have taken off a shoes , have galloped to ocean , tide water pour up, have submerged my bound feet fork, water withdraws from down soon , seems to be scratching an itch woollen cloth for me! Be beach upper shell everywhere after ebbing,they are oceans gift to us , have yellow, having is white , having is blue , having is silvery white, ... Be really colourful. The fan that shells form great variety of fantasies , some image handful open , some hand , some images like Guanyin a peacock in his pride, some all kinds of image puppies, are really to be almost lifelike in appearance.

  I hasten to take up a sack to collect a few moments later, have collected right away once big chockful bags. I feel a little bit tired afterwards, will lie on the sandy beach, be really extremely comfortable in feeling the bosom who lies in the mother with regard to the image!

  秋游英语作文 10

  Today, the teacher took us to zhongshan park. Here, everyone was so happy! In the autumn of talking and laughing on the road, like a happy little sparrow.

  We went to the zhongshan park, there are two stone lions see stone road on both sides, terrible squatting at the door.

  Upward along the stone path, see stone road on both sides of the yellow and green leaves, the autumn wind blows, the falling pieces of leaves, like a butterfly dancing in. We quickly climb halfway up. See below flickering skyscrapers, the car on the road is the size of a pencil case. Walk to the top of the hill, Chen teacher gave us a good team, we all sat on the bench, bathed in the warm autumn sunshine, laughing, and eating their food, and you gave me to eat, I eat for you. Really is happy!

  The teacher took a photograph, we took our laughing faces, leaving the autumn the best memories.

  秋游英语作文 11


  Finally, when I have been waiting for a long time, it is autumn outing.


  Today, the teacher took us to Cunjin park for an autumn tour. As soon as I arrived at the gate of the park, I saw a huge statue surrounded by colorful flowers. It was very beautiful. Just as we were fascinated by it, the teacher waved and said, lets go to the zoo. Its more wonderful..


  There is a tiger at the gate of the zoo. It has a large mouth and sharp teeth. The timid students covered their eyes. It turned out to be a vivid and flexible statue.


  We came to the first visiting area, the home of monkeys. At this time, the teacher introduced a squirrel monkey, which should be the smallest monkey I have ever seen.


  Then we came to the home of the little white rabbit. We saw all kinds of little white rabbits. The teacher said, as long as its not all white fur, its not red eyes. We carefully observed that there was indeed a gray rabbit with red eyes. It was amazing!


  Next we saw peacocks, ostriches, kangaroos, camels, sika deer and giraffes, but the giraffes impressed me most. The breeder introduced its characteristics to us: giraffes are more than two meters tall when they are born, and three meters tall when they are on the first floor. That is to say, giraffes are almost as tall as one floor when they are born. The keeper told us again that this is only a male giraffe. It is now five years old, and the giraffe has reached adulthood at the age of three. When the breeder introduced us, the giraffe walked to the food with long legs, opened its mouth and chewed cabbage with relish, just like eating a rich lunch. I couldnt help but want to feed the giraffe some food. At this time, an uncle said to us, there are carrots to feed it. I asked the uncle for five, and then climbed to the high ladder with the help of the keeper to send the carrots to the giraffes mouth, but he only ate two and shook his head, as if to say to me that he didnt want to eat any more.


  So as I walked down the steps, I saw the deer next to me stretching out its neck and looking at me. I thought it must be hungry. So I ran to put three radishes into the deers mouth, and sure enough, the deer chewed with relish.


  After visiting the zoo, the students shared their delicious food. After the food sharing, the students and teachers clean up the garbage and put it into the dustbin in different categories.


  Although this autumn tour is only a short morning, I have gained a lot. I have seen many animals that can only be seen in the animal world, and I have also learned their habits. Sharing delicious food with classmates and learning how to be a young pioneer who cares for the environment.

  秋游英语作文 12

  Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus. It is about thirty miles from the city. We planned to put up in a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.

  As soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. How GREat the sight is! We felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. There are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magnificent cliffs, one above another. We climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. As the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.

  Before daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. Unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. Suddenly thin ravs of red hue spread across the sky. As the redness deepened, some mysterious clouds moved across thc sky, dividing heaven from the earth. Just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. Up, up it rose, adding to itself strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.

  We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. We jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays of the sun with the peak till it was time for our return.





  秋游英语作文 13

  At 8:00 this morning, our class went on an autumn outing! This time we went to the Guangxi Museum of Nationalities.

  In preparation for the Guangxi Museum of Nationalities. We saw the Guangxi Museum of Nationalities, on which there was a large, ceiling like copper clock.

  We first went to the Guangxi Ethnic Village next to us, then went to Chunhong Bridge, put down our class backpacks on the bridge, and then returned to the gate of Guangxi Ethnic Museum from the bridge. We took a group photo at the gate, and then the whole class went in.

  When I entered the museum, the first thing I saw was a big sign that said to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the museum. Then we went up to the second floor to see the bronze bell.

  There are various copper clocks in the copper bell area on the second floor. Some copper clocks have lived in this world for two or three hundred years! The earliest bronze bell has lived in this world for six or seven hundred years! The colors of copper clocks are different, including bronze, copper and silver, and some of them are damaged!

  I also saw some real people farming. But these people are all men, none of them are women.

  Next, we went to the exhibition area of the Zhuang nationality. When I entered, I saw a huge hydrangea. I guess Zhuang people are good at embroidery. Sure enough, I guessed right. The Zhuang peoples embroideries are wonderful. They embroider all kinds of things in different colors. We also watched a video projected on the wall. This video is about the life of ancient Zhuang people. In ancient times, people had to do many things in a day. A man goes hunting and fishing one day. Women embroider things and take care of children. After we came out of the museum. Back to the bamboo bridge. We will eat here.

  Our group and the other three groups thought that the four groups were too boring, so they formed a large group, about 30 people. Our group brought a variety of snacks, rainbow candy, egg yolk pie, seaweed is the most. Our class ate here for forty or fifty minutes before leaving.

  Today is a happy autumn outing.

  秋游英语作文 14

  In the golden autumn of October, osmanthus is fragrant. In this harvest season, the school organized an autumn outing to Meili Sand Garden.

  Just entering the Sand Gathering Garden, a towering tree that has experienced more than 800 years came into sight. It looks so tall and straight. Standing under the tree, looking up from the bottom, its branches seem to have pierced the atmosphere. The green branches and leaves spread out like a green umbrella. This scene reminds me of the sentence "Its good to enjoy the cool under the shade of trees".

  As we walked on, an ancient anti Japanese blockhouse opened up in front of us. It is like a full moon, like an arch bridge, more like a huge iron pot upside down on the ground. According to the guide, this blockhouse can protect many Changshu people and protect the land of Changshu Meili.

  After a few steps, I found a beautiful lake in front of me. There are countless golden lotus flowers in the lake. Now is the golden autumn season. Most of the golden lotus flowers have split their pink petals. The heart of the flower faintly reveals a little yellow. It looks very charming and tender against the green lotus leaves. Suddenly, a light wind blew, and the trollius flower swayed gently, as if a pink girl were dancing lightly. The sun seemed to rise for her, and the wind seemed to blow for her. In a moment, I seem to have become a golden lotus blooming in the sun, dancing with her... "Ha ha ha!" A burst of laughter pulled me back from my fantasy to reality, and I realized that I was just a tourist! I looked at the beautiful golden lotus again, and felt that they were more dazzling and attractive.

  Moving on, we came to the long-awaited Meili Amusement Park. The students immediately "automatically disbanded" and rushed into the amusement park like crazy, looking for their "favorite" everywhere. In a short time, some of them were swinging, some were sliding, some were seesawing, some were drilling caves... Soon, I joined them and regained the rare happiness with them.

  This autumn trip gave me a taste of the beautiful scenery of Changshu. The fruits of autumn are sometimes not only reflected in our eyes, but also hidden in our hearts.

  秋游英语作文 15

  Just after the autumn wind, the trees were still green. The school organized our sixth graders to have an autumn trip to the Botanical Garden.

  I came to the Botanical Garden by bus and smelled a thick smell of grass as soon as I entered the door. The green grass is as green as jade, and the flowers are as beautiful as fairies. Look up at the towering trees, step on the secluded path, go in and out of the hot and cool.

  Walk tens of steps north, smell the fragrance of flowers, and see it nearby. The forest was full of osmanthus. I took a deep breath, and the weight of my schoolbag seemed to be reduced a lot. Although the temperature is high, the towering trees in the Botanical Garden warmly open their umbrellas for us. The dappled sunlight sprinkles on the path we are walking on through the treetops, just like the broken diamonds, the dappled golden shadows, and the lotus growing step by step. I want to be drunk here and enjoy the autumn song with you.

  From time to time, there were some pleasant birds singing in the treetops. When we walked over, they did not startle us, but shouted more vigorously, as if they were greeting us. Zhu Yi bird came flying quickly with foreign matters in its beak. It looked like a red fruit from a close look. Suddenly, it flew up quickly again and dropped the fruit. At this time, all the birds flew to get its fruit.

  Walking, we came to the Han Meilin Art Museum. The lines in the art museum are simple and clear, with soft in the middle. The sculptures in the museum are exquisite, beautiful and lifelike. I read the introduction of Mr. Han Meilin and found that many beautiful stamps were originally designed by him, even the Fuwa in the mascot of the Olympic Games.

  In this autumn trip, I not only enjoyed the wonderful harmony between exotic flowers and plants in the Botanical Garden and nature, but also saw the art works of Han Meilin. I was very satisfied.

  秋游英语作文 16

  On Tuesday, it was clear and crisp in autumn, and we finally looked forward to the wonderful day - the autumn trip to Zhongshan Botanical Garden.

  After getting off the bus, we came to the world of bridge. There are many kinds of bridges here, including roller bridge, single log bridge, mesh bridge, and chain bridge... Especially when walking on the chain bridge, you will feel like you are about to fall. Some students were timid and screamed from time to time. Under the leadership of the team leader, we lined up and carefully passed the chain bridge.

  Soon, we came to visit the mysterious and amazing Expo Park. The plants there are various in appearance and form, and they compete to open up under the suns moisture and brilliance. Thousands of chrysanthemums make the Expo Park colorful and charming. There are many kinds of plants in the Expo Park, about 3000 kinds. Among them, the cactus is my favorite. Because of its special growth environment, it consumes less water. It absorbs enough water when it rains and can be used for several years! Another function of it is to cure diseases, such as mumps. If the branches and trunks are damaged, they can still be reborn and live tenaciously. They are an absolute health guard.

  During this trip, we learned a lot about plants and gained a lot. We should make friends with plants. To protect them is to protect ourselves.

  秋游英语作文 17

  The fallen leaves all over the sky are in profusion, and they are spread on the ground into a soft, golden carpet. In this fine autumn day, we also look forward to the annual autumn outing.

  We sat on the minibus, accompanied by the laughter of our classmates, and came to Sanshi Farm, which is the destination of this autumn tour. As soon as we got off the bus, the staff took us to the workshop to make small octopuses with mud. I made a small orange octopus and wore it a pink flower, waiting for the staff to take it and bake it into shape. Then, the staff took us to do the Youth League. We saw two people take out the steamed glutinous rice balls, put them into a large stone pot, and then put in the water soaked mugwort leaves. One man turned over the glutinous rice with his hands full of water, while the other man swung the sledgehammer hard after his partner turned over the glutinous rice. We were surprised to see that, for fear of hitting the hand of the person who turned over the glutinous rice. However, our concern was superfluous, and the two of them cooperated very well. The glutinous rice was gradually mixed with mugwort leaves under the hammer. We put some stuffing into a small group, and then wrapped it with pine pollen. Then we made green balls one by one. We ate our own green balls, and we were very happy. My favorite is barbecue. We first put our favorite food on the barbecue oven, then brush it with a layer of oil, and then keep rolling. The sausages burst, the sirloin became hard, the vegetables became soft and collapsed... There were many other foods that changed their appearance, all emitting waves of attractive fragrance, which made people salivate. I cant help but eat up, and my mouth is full of oil. Later, we also walked the suspension bridge and tug of war, which made us laugh constantly.

  Happy time is always so short. We left Sanshi Farm reluctantly while sitting on the minibus. On the bus, I thought about the happy scene in Sanshi Farm.

  秋游英语作文 18

  Yesterday morning, we went to huangma fenghuangou autumn tour. In the time of the bus, we talked and laughed. When we got there, we hopped into the scenic spot. It turns out, Ive heard people say that the phoenix trench is for flowers. But as soon as I got here, I immediately rejected that claim. There was no bright cluster, but there were many tall trees, and the leaves were so green and so lovely; The canopy is so big that it looks like a big umbrella that covers the sun. Its beautiful!

  In the sakura valley, the blossoming cherry trees show up in front of us, like a sea of trees. Then we asked the teacher, "when can we play?" Unexpectedly, the teacher said: "we are to appreciate the scenery, not to play." As a result, we walked with a despondency as if we were puffing.

  We stopped by a pine forest. The green pine tree stood like a mighty soldier. Then the teacher said to us, "you are free to move!" Our emotions immediately flipped over 360 degrees. So, there was a dinner party, some chatting, some playing... I picked up the pine cones and I picked up a dozen pine cones. Then, I chose a few nice pine cones and put them in the bag... Im so happy!

  About two hours later, the teacher and we cleaned up, and then we left the beautiful valley of phoenix.

  This is really my most memorable autumn trip!

  秋游英语作文 19

  The sun is shining today. The autumn is crisp and the sky is high. Our school organizes an autumn tour of the tower park. At the gate of the park, after miss lis call, we entered the park with the happy singing of the fourth column.

  The first thing that came into sight was the large, thick, sunless trees on both sides of the road. The fallen leaves whirled in the air. The bird danced happily in the air. Walking along, we saw many chrysanthemums under the vine. My classmates say the grapes are fake, but I still think the following chrysanthemums are very beautiful. Because that is the city flower that we open the market! They look like a lot of baseball, some like flowers, and others like peacocks. White like snow, pink like xia, yellow as gold... With a faint fragrance.

  Then we came to a great hall. There lived a golden Buddha, and all the students worshipped him. I also knelt to make a good wish. But keep it a secret! Because its not good to say it, hee hee... Then the teacher took us in a group photo at the back of the hall.

  We followed the path to the first tower, the tower. It is said that the tip of the tower has no river bed. We sat around the edge of the tower and Shared snacks, and we played around teacher li and teacher zhang. Hee hee... The teachers laughed heartily.

  After the snack we came to the lake and walked around the winding little bridge. There was a pavilion at the end of which there were large brothers and sisters in the pavilion. They look like big painters!

  What a happy day!

  秋游英语作文 20

  The autumn wind is cool and the osmanthus is fragrant. In this golden area, our school will have an autumn outing.

  This day, the weather was sunny and cloudless. I came to the school early. The school was full of excitement. I quickly entered the classroom. There were many people in the classroom. Some were talking in groups, some were eating secretly, and some were taking pictures with the camera. What about me? They also participated in the crowd.

  After a while, our teacher said that we had to leave. We gathered our things quickly, followed the teacher out of the school, and then set out towards the Qinghe Ecological Park. We talked and laughed all the way. In thirty or forty minutes, we arrived at the Qinghe Ecological Park with elegant environment.

  After entering the Qinghe Ecological Park, the first thing you can see is the green belt. They havent completely changed into yellow clothes. The leaves sing along with the sand and the birds dance. We walked slowly along the path and looked at the autumn scene. Every tree beside the road looked like a lifelike soldier. They kept nodding their heads as if they were saying, "Dear students, welcome to play." Then, we found a piece of green and yellow grass, ready to share the food they brought. Its really comfortable to sit on the grass! Like a soft carpet. While everyone was eating with gusto, the teacher came over and said, "Boys and girls, lets go on!" As soon as we listened, we quickly packed up our things and followed the teacher forward. Eh? Not far ahead, I saw the outline of a suspension bridge vaguely. Several of us boys were very worried, but we had to line up orderly and walk slowly towards the suspension bridge. Under the guidance of the teacher, we all crossed the suspension bridge. The girls were actually girls. They were timid and walked carefully, unlike our boys who swaggered past. Some boys even jumped a few times when they were halfway there. It was really interesting. In fact, just master the balance ability.

  Time flies, and soon it is noon. We reluctantly left the Qinghe Ecological Park and waited for our parents in the Changrong Grand Theater.

  In this cool autumn day, we ended our autumn trip!

  秋游英语作文 21

  On a sunny day, we went to Ningbo Botanical Garden for an autumn trip.

  Walking into Ningbo Botanical Garden, I saw roses in small gauze skirts of different colors, including bright red, snow-white, pink and purple. Colorful roses nodded frequently in autumn, as if they were saying hello to us! The golden sunflower stands tall facing the sun, and the green skirt dances with the wind. The leaves of ginkgo trees are like small golden fans, which fan away the summer heat.

  The water in the river is clear and blue, reflecting the flowers and trees along the river. Some trees are yellow, and leaves fall from the trees. The maple leaves are red, attracting students to come forward to observe and recite Du Mus words, "Stop to sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are red than the flowers in February.".

  Tired of playing, we lay on the soft grass, looked up at the sky. The sky was blue, as if it had been washed by autumn rain. A row of geese flew south, sometimes in the shape of a "person", sometimes in the shape of a "one".

  Ningbo Botanical Garden is so beautiful. I love the Botanical Garden in autumn!



秋游作文600字 开心的秋游作文03-07







