我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-04-28 08:30:42 七年级 我要投稿




  I have a best "friend" -- it doesn't speak, but it makes me knowledgeable. It will not walk, but it will make my day. It has enriched me and made me as mad as mad. I have been deeply enamoured of it. Who is it? - book!

  Every day after school, I was in the stacks of books, and I was always in the book store. My mother used to say I was "promiscuous" but said she didn't stop me from reading my favorite books. Every time I find a book I like, it's as if I'm sucked in by a powerful magnet and I get carried away with the plot. Sometimes the bookstore is going to shut down when it is so much fun to watch. To put the book back on the shelf, out of the bookstore, my mind is full of the plot of the book, because want too ecstasy, sometimes also happened some jokes... It is.

  Reminds me of this year's summer vacation one day, mother see me plunge into the books all day long, straight at I rang rang: "silly leng in books all day long, and is not good, all into a nerd, I order you go out for a walk now!" Unable to withstand my mother's "bombing", I walked out of the house, looking for a few students nearby to play hide and seek,










