我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-03-31 07:45:32 记叙文 我要投稿
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  "Go out of the east gate and cross the bridge. There is a tree in front of the bridge..." Whenever I read this tongue twister, I think of a happy thing - date beating.


  When autumn comes, there is a harvest scene in the orchard: the apple is smiling red, the grapes are wearing purple new clothes, but the most striking is the red dates full of trees, like pearls and agates. I can't help but pull dad to pick up dates.

  我们拿着竹竿,挎着篮子,高高兴兴地来到枣树下,我放下篮子,把竹竿升得高高的,对准一颗颗又大又红的枣子,使劲一敲,"啪"一声就落下来了,这清脆的声音成了一支优美动听的歌曲。爸爸负责捡枣,他跟着节奏,踩着鼓点,一会儿左,一会儿右,一会儿前,一会儿后,就像表演着欢快的打枣舞。许多枣子从我眼前飞过,我看不清眼前,摔了一个大跟头,爸爸在一旁说道:"别着急,慢点打,我快跟不上你了。"于是,我放下竹竿,停止了这段打枣舞,渐渐地,篮子里就装满了,With the bamboo pole and basket, we came to the jujube tree happily. I put down the basket, raised the bamboo pole high, and aimed it at the big and red jujubes. As soon as I knocked hard, the sound of "pa" fell down, which became a beautiful and beautiful song. Dad is responsible for picking up jujube. He follows the rhythm and steps on the drum, left and right for a while. Before and after a while, it's like a happy jujube dance. Many dates flew past my eyes. I couldn't see them clearly. I fell over a big heel. My father said, "don't worry. Slow down. I can't keep up with you." So I put down the bamboo pole and stopped this dance. Gradually, the basket was full,我和爸爸在篮子里挑了两个红红的枣子,津津有味地吃了起来,又甜又脆,比吃了蜜还甜。吃了几个,我又忍不住打起枣来,大枣纷纷而落,芳香四溢,我们兴致勃勃地弯下腰,捡起枣来,篮子里装得满满当当,我们挎着篮子,满载而归,一路上喜上心头。

  My father and I picked two red dates in the basket and ate them with relish. They were sweet and crisp, sweeter than honey. After eating a few, I couldn't help beating up jujube again, and the jujube fell one after another, and the fragrance overflowed. We bent down happily, picked up jujube, and the basket was full. We carried the basket and went back with full load, happy all the way.


  Jujube beating is a small episode of childhood, which makes me experience the joy of labor. There is nothing in life that can be achieved without effort. If you want to succeed, you have to pay. So do dates.









