我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-30 18:26:42 散文杂文 我要投稿


  摘 要


  丰子恺散文中有着浓浓的童趣,表现在:第1,描写自己儿女的憨态可掬,稚拙真纯,着重描摹了孩子的想象力、认真与勇敢、情感的自然流露、以及他们晶莹剔透的童心,这类作品具有浓厚的“舔犊之情”,毕业论文-论丰子恺散文中的童趣 - 语言文学论文。第2,描写自己童年时代的生活,以及成人后的童心不泯。这两方面的描写,是以否定和批判成人混浊世界,来赞美和歌颂儿童的天真纯洁的童趣世界。他的散文创作不仅与“54”时期“儿童文学”潮流相呼应,还受明代后期“童心说”的.影响,更吸收了佛家思想的精华。他散文中的童趣不是道德说教,而是将童心童趣作为人生的模范提供给成人,语文论文《毕业论文-论丰子恺散文中的童趣 - 语言文学论文》。他以深蕴童趣之美的散文作品为手段,去追求美好的生活,呼吁世界的安宁。



  There is dense childrens interesting in FengZikais prose, show:First, the ones that described ones own children are charmingly naive, plain and clumsy and very pure, depict the childs imagination, serious with natural revilement of the bravery, emotion, and their sparkling and crystal-clear childlike innocence emphatically, this kind of works has strong “feeling of licking the calf”. Second, describe the life of childhood of oneself, and the childlike innocence after the adult is not vanished. Two respect of descriptions these, to in order to deny and criticize adult muddy world, come praise and extol innocent pure childrens interesting world of children. His prose is created and not merely worked in concert with “children’s literature” trend of “the May Fourth Movement” period, will it be later stage Ming Dynasty influence of “childlike innocence say”, absorb Buddhist essential part of thought even more also. The childrens interesting of his prose is not a moral preach, but the model who regards childrens interesting of the childlike innocence as life offers to the adult. He regards accumulating the beautiful prose works of childrens interesting the means deeply as, goes to pursue bright life, appeal for the peacefulness of the world.

  Key words: FengZikai; the prose; childrens interesting; children; Adult