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时间:2022-08-05 11:27:21 日志日记 我要投稿




  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇1


  This years Spring Festival is different from usual. The colorful lights in Jincheng city are everywhere. Unfortunately, there is no pedestrian on the road. The outbreak of the sudden attack, the panic, the city became a silent.


  We are paying attention to the new epidemic report every day. So far, about 35000 cases have been confirmed It is not only a piece of news, but also a responsibility we should take. We are sure to overcome this epidemic.


  Go China!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇2


  Affected by the epidemic situation, we were unable to return to the classroom in time for learning. But the school has carried out online teaching for us, so that we can learn at home, thank the school and teachers for our hard work, we should face this hard-earned learning with a grateful heart.


  In this special semester, we have a great challenge, that is, the mid-term exam, so we can not relax. We should follow the teacher's instructions, take notes carefully and complete the daily tasks as required. Plan your study time reasonably and improve your study efficiency. Facing the challenge of the new term, we should keep on running!


  Virus can't be a hindrance on our way to study. We will never lose our youth, pursue our dreams and shout for our tomorrow: I will do it in the middle school entrance examination!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇3


  It's sad to see the new nationwide pneumonia on TV because people eat wild animals.


  My parents taught me that: small animals are good friends of human beings, they maintain the balance of the whole human living environment, this event gave us a strong warning, we should love animals in the future, starting from me. In order to cope with this emergency, my family stayed at home, washed their hands frequently and basked in the sun. My parents also used this rare opportunity to help me with my homework.


  Dad said, there are gains and losses, although we can't go out to play, but as long as we live a full life at home, it's not a waste of time.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇4


  Recently, novel coronavirus pneumonia has spread throughout the country, and has become an issue of concern. The novel coronavirus came from a seafood market in Wuhan, and then spread from Wuhan to all regions. Because people didn't care at first, it caused such serious consequences.


  In order to prevent the spread of the virus, Wuhan was closed, and then many cities in Hubei were closed. No access without special reasons. The novel coronavirus was broadcast daily by the people wearing masks. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, people without masks are not allowed to buy vegetables or take buses.


  Experts call on everyone not to go out, try to stay at home, during the spring festival do not participate in dinner, do not party. Don't go where there are many people. Wash your hands and open windows frequently at home.


  The novel coronavirus pneumonia was urgently prevented in my residential district, and three entrance and exit were closed, leaving only one door in and out. Express delivery and take away delivery are not allowed to enter the community, they should go to the door to get them. People entering the community need to register and take their temperature before they can enter. Every car must also be registered. Foreign vehicles and personnel are not allowed to enter.


  I haven't been out for many days. I write my homework at home and watch TV every day. It's very boring. Dad said that we stay at home now, protect ourselves from infection, that is to contribute to the fight against pneumonia!


  I hope everyone can stay at home well, don't go out and protect themselves. I hope scientists and doctors can find a way to treat pneumonia. We will work together to defeat the virus and win!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇5


  The sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia has broken the auspicious festival and changed the habit of visiting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival.


  When I got the news, I couldn't help thinking a lot. At the beginning of going out, I need to wear a mask. The guard uncle at the door will ask me where I am going. But as the epidemic raged, the cities were isolated, and we were isolated, even unable to get out of the community. But I know that these are the great contributions we have made to our country.


  I wish every one of the most beautiful rebels on the front line can come back safely. Come on, China!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇6


  Novel coronavirus is a boring New Year's phenomenon because the advent of the new coronavirus has stopped the old customs and relatives.


  Every year on the first day of the lunar new year, I go to the cinema with my sister. But because the cinemas are crowded with people and the air quality is extremely poor, so it stops. This terrible virus spreads so fast that hundreds of people increase every day. Every day, many people die because of this terrible virus. This terrible virus mainly comes from a kind of wild animal bat, because of some human beings Greedy, leading to the whole China to accompany it, the virus can be contacted through the air and skin, so when it was not very serious in those days, everyone didn't care. Later, the epidemic spread very fast, which made us all defenseless.

  我们一定要保持个人卫生,呆在家里,勤通风勤洗手 ,不要去人员密集的场所,这样疫情才会消失。我们才能安全的从返校园。

  We must keep personal hygiene, stay at home, ventilate and wash our hands frequently, and do not go to crowded places, so that the epidemic will disappear. We can return to campus safely.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇7


  The beginning of 2020 is unfortunate, with such a serious epidemic at the beginning. Just after winter vacation, I saw this news on my mobile phone, but it was not serious at that time, so I didn't pay attention. When I paid attention again, Wuhan was closed. At that time, it was just new year's day. I went out a lot. Every day, I could hear my mother say: remember to wear a mask. At least five or six times a day. I only went out in those two days, and then I never went out again. For such a long time, the cases I saw on my mobile phone have been rising and never stopped. Although the development of this disease is terrible, it is far from enough to frighten me. Since this disease exists, there must be something to restrain it. Even though it has not been found yet, it will be found one day, sooner or later, this disease will become history.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇8


  I believe that in the minds of many people, this year's Spring Festival is the most unforgettable one.


  Winter vacation should have ended a year's work and study, the time for everyone to get together; it should have been a time for everyone to eat dinner around the table and watch the Spring Festival Gala; Novel coronavirus is the most relaxing and beautiful time of the year. But now, because of the invasion of new coronavirus caused by some venison, doctors and nurses are fighting in the front line. Some medical staff have even cut off their own waist and hair for rescue patients. There are also many people who work and study in Wuhan to celebrate the new year alone in order to prevent the spread of the virus. None of them is for China!


  Although patients are increasing every day, our hearts can't stop crying for our motherland. Novel coronavirus has stopped spreading, but I hope the future micro-blog fever will be able to appear, "let's go to Wuhan, China," 2020!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇9


  Novel coronavirus, when I have a magic pen, I will use it to draw a time machine, and tell people that there are viruses on the bat, so that they can't contact at will.


  If I have a magic pen, I will use it to draw the most advanced protective clothing in the world, and give it to the people fighting in the front line of the virus, so that they can better protect themselves.


  If I have a magic pen, I will use it to draw many masks and give them to everyone, so that everyone can effectively avoid the infection of the virus.


  If I have a magic pen, I will use it to draw a kind of cactus potion, give it to everyone who has been infected with the virus, wipe out the virus, and let them recover.


  If I had a magic pen, I would use it to draw a beautiful world, and everyone would have a bright smile in the sun.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇10


  This epidemic is coming. At the beginning, people didn't pay much attention to it, but it soon spread to the whole country and even the whole world.


  So this quickly attracted people's attention. Many angels in white went to the "front line" without hesitation. Even though there were many difficulties ahead, they were not afraid of it. Only the people of the whole country united. What is a virus?


  I believe that the motherland will soon develop new drugs to continue to protect the healthy growth of our Chinese people.


  Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇11


  This year's new year is different from previous years. Our family has been staying at home since the first day of the new year, and they have not even left the door. The news of the novel coronavirus is being broadcast on TV every day. Parents are even pushed back to work. The neighborhood is quiet every day. All these are the consequences of the new coronavirus.


  Novel coronavirus animal animal novel coronavirus is so terrible. I checked the information on the Internet. There were many viruses in the world. The coronavirus was originally a virus on wild animals. Because people bought and sold, killed and ate wild animals, they ran to the human body to mutate into a new coronavirus and finally spread among humans.


  At the end of 2019, the first stop for the virus was a seafood market selling wild animals in Wuhan. When the virus first spread in the human body, many people were infected before they could detect it. Although Wuhan was closed down later, the number of people infected was still very large.


  Great doctors rushed to the front to treat infected patients. Scientists work day and night to overcome the difficulties: find out the characteristics of the virus and develop drugs to kill the virus. The virus can spread through droplets, contact, and crowd gathering. According to the characteristics of the virus, we can do isolation at home to protect ourselves and prevent the way of transmission.


  This war is not over yet. My classmates and I encourage each other: don't be afraid! We all firmly believe that we can defeat the virus and everything will be better. Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇12


  The Spring Festival in 2020 is different from the previous Spring Festival, and the whole of China becomes very quiet. I feel that the number of people in the epidemic has changed from less to more, and the terrible data has increased day by day.


  With the spread of the epidemic, the state decisively adopted relative policies to prevent the disease. Medical staff laid down their holidays and fought hard against the disease. Countless people across the country raised money to contribute their share. What we can do is to protect ourselves and not burden our motherland.


  We are with Wuhan, with the motherland, and join hands in the Anti Japanese war. We will win this war, and our pace will be unstoppable.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇13


  In recent days, novel coronavirus has spread throughout the country. Among them, Wuhan, as the first city to find the disease, the epidemic situation is extremely serious.


  In the face of the epidemic, many people are ugly: some people visit around during the Spring Festival, some recycle second-hand masks to sell, some live in the heavily affected areas but travel around the world, not responsible for their own lives and others.


  But at the same time, some people still spread their love all over the motherland: many people distributed masks on the streets, Han Hong was tired of doing public welfare and even lived in the hospital, and countless doctors rushed to the front line They, are the most lovely people, are really worthy of respect!


  This is a war without gunpowder. Come on, Wuhan, come on, China!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇14


  The outbreak came suddenly, could have happily returned home for the new year, but because of the outbreak was forced to stop the pace of returning home. This unexpected accident has made the Spring Festival extremely depressing, without any atmosphere of the year. But the more it is, the more missing and caring for the family members increase.


  Now there are too many people hanging in Wuhan, too many people praying for Wuhan. Thanks to the angel in white who is fighting ahead, thanks to everyone who still sticks to his post. The epidemic will pass, I'm sure.


  I was not born with SARS in 2003, but with coronavirus in 2020, I went through difficulties with my country. Come on China, come on Wuhan. It will pass, it will get better.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇15


  Every new year, I go to visit my family. It's different this year when I go to the countryside to celebrate the new year.


  Because some people eat wild animals, there is a kind of coronavirus in wild animals, which can infect people's respiratory tract. The infected people will cough, have fever, have chest tightness, have bad breath, get pneumonia, do not go to hospital in time for treatment, or even die. What's more, the virus will be transmitted to others through droplets.


  At the beginning, people didn't pay much attention to it. Later, as soon as the sick people spread ten, ten hundred, more and more people died, the country began to pay attention to it. Because of the coronavirus, we have delayed the start of school, and our parents have also delayed their work. We can't go out to play. It's so boring to stay at home every day.


  The road in the community is closed. Doctors take turns to take temperature measurements at the highway crossing 24 hours. There are many requirements for virus. First, wear a mask when going out; second, do not go to visit relatives; third, wash your hands in seven steps after going home; fourth, do not go to public places; fifth, do not contact strangers... Otherwise, you may be infected accidentally.


  Because of this novel coronavirus, I can only stay at home writing compositions, playing with toys, not going to the supermarket, and I hope that the virus will disappear early.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇16


  Hope and hope, finally hope to the new year, but this year, with the usual is not the same. Because, there is a very serious virus.


  According to the previous rules, we should go to visit relatives, but now we can't go anywhere. Listen to the adults, eating at home, sleeping and not going out now is to make contributions to the country. In the past, making contributions to the country has become such a simple thing, I can do it! But I still have a lot of things to do. It's good to do homework, read books, do housework and stay at home.


  Listen to the news, this powerful virus is uploaded from wild animals, so we should protect animals, let them run freely in nature, let them make their own decisions, and let them have their own favorite residence.


  Now in order to better protect themselves, the best way is not to go out, wash your hands frequently and stay at home.


  After a year, I grew up a year, I will study hard, and strive to make greater contributions to the country!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇17


  This is a sudden and severe challenge. This is a special struggle without gunpowder. At the moment, medical staff at the front line of anti epidemic are fighting against the virus, scientific researchers are speeding up the research and development of treatment and prevention drugs, and tens of thousands of volunteers are spontaneously contributing their love


  "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world". For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has always been a community inseparable from everyone.The Chinese people have always shared glory, faced difficulties and shared responsibilities with each other. Thousands on thousands of "I" novel coronavirus pneumonia, represents the unity and symbolizes the strength. In the face of new champions pneumonia, this common enemy, let's go for it together!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇18


  This is the Spring Festival with the least "new year flavor".China's jittery novel coronavirus has attacked the whole country.


  The first thing I pick up my mobile phone every day is to open the microblog to check the news about the epidemic. The number of people suffering from the disease has risen horribly, which makes people tremble. Especially in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the epidemic is the most serious.The people of Wuhan hold on.


  Countless angels in white are desperate to strike the front line. In order to save people, they are drawn with red marks by protective masks. Because of wearing gloves for a long time, blisters grow on their hands, which makes people very sad. What we can do is to do well in protection, wash hands frequently, wear masks when going out, go out as little as possible, and be a good "squat at home".


  In the face of this crisis, we should work together and unite as one. Wuhan, come on! China, come on!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇19


  In the middle of winter vacation, Spring Festival is coming. The best way to relax is to have a meal with your family, collect some red envelopes and travel with your good friends. Eat a new year 's Eve dinner, the strong flavor of the past years, so that we can not forget for a long time.


  And this new year, we can't have a dinner party or travel Novel coronavirus is what keeps the year's flavor out of doors, so that we can only stay at home without going out. His rampage caused us to have a new year's holiday and a war without gunpowder.


  I read the novel coronavirus every day, occupying most of the layout. Novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed in 549 cases and died in 17 cases as at 24 in January 22nd. As of 12 in January 30th, 7742 cases were confirmed nationwide and 170 cases died. Jittery with hair standing on end, the number of novel coronavirus has been increasing dramatically. The alarming number is alarming and creepy. No one hopes that the new coronavirus will be stun or trigger on the body and the family.

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇20


  This year's Spring Festival, originally a day for family reunion, was interrupted by a sudden virus. The virus is called novel coronavirus, a terrible virus that can be transmitted to humans.


  On the afternoon of January 28, a group of the most beautiful rebels embarked on the road of supporting Wuhan. They are the medical staff of our Changxing Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, our honorable "angel in white". In the face of the epidemic, regardless of their personal safety, they gave up the opportunity to reunite with their families, so they fought in the front line. They are the faithful guardians of the health and safety of the people, and also the unyielding warriors in our mind.


  Every warmth, every love, every sweat and every true love they offer will not be rewarded. When there are difficulties in the country, they stand up and have been giving selflessly, which is the best example for all of us! This spirit is worth learning for all of us!


  Because of their selfless dedication, we will have a healthy and happy life.


  Here I would like to pay tribute to every "angel in white"!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇21


  Novel coronavirus pneumonia primary school special purchases for the Spring Festival: streams of people busily coming and going shopping, no family members reunited, no buddies to play together, and even the night sky is not so lit. This year's new year's Eve, only my mother and I are in the cold office.


  In this cold and cold office, only my mother and I radiate weak heat. I turn on my little computer and watch this year's Spring Festival Gala, but I don't feel interested at all. Maybe it's too cold and clear atmosphere, which makes me feel that the whole party is not attractive at all. This new year's Eve is really weird. There is no rich new year's Eve meal. What's more strange is that I started eating instant noodles from breakfast, from seafood to braised beef, until the morning of the first day of the new year. I made my first wish for the new year with my hands together. I won't eat instant noodles this year.


  The Spring Festival is a day for family reunion. Because of the epidemic, the shopping malls are empty and the streets are not angry. This feeling makes people feel uneasy and panic. Even so, we can still live comfortably in our own home, watching TV and brushing our mobile phones. It seems that our illness and death are not so close to us. My mother said that where there is any time to be quiet, we can still be so comfortable because someone carries the weight for us.


  I think of the uncles and aunts fighting in the anti epidemic front in the news. They are also daughters and sons. They also want to accompany their parents on this reunion day. They should also be parents and want to guard their babies. However, they use their own flesh and blood to cast steel walls to separate the epidemic demons from ordinary people.


  This year's Spring Festival is very cold, this year's Spring Festival is also very warm, the people of the whole country work together to fight the epidemic. Come on! Wuhan! Come on! My motherland!

  抗击疫情众志成城中国加油的英语日记带翻译 篇22


  The novel coronavirus finally affected Wuhan. The epidemic was threatening. There was no one in the empty streets. The enthusiasm of the past disappeared a little. We all stayed at home.


  Today is the thirtieth of the year.. My mother still works in the children's hospital because she is a medical worker.I have been used to my parents often have no time to accompany me, because there are patients who need them. It's boring at home. The food is not as good as before. We are going to fight against the virus!


  Mom and dad told me to wash hands frequently, eat more, wear masks when going out and defeat the virus. In the past, when we had new year's meals, we had a big family reunion. What about this year? It's a family reunion of three, because we need to reduce the spread of the virus. Before the winter vacation, my mother told me that this year is very fun.My grandparents are going to take me back to my hometown in Macheng to celebrate the new year, eat hanging pots, set off firecrackers, watch fireworks and celebrate the new year. Now? I'm still in Wuhan, my mother will boast.


  Watching TV I know that those who are brave to fight against the virus and defend our lives and cities are angels in white, like parents.They wear white protective clothing, masks, gloves, resolute eyes and smile at me, as if to say: "please rest assured, we will defeat the devil virus." They are heroes! Although my parents are not in the first—line anti pneumonia department, they also have the risk of infection, and they also contribute their own strength in ordinary posts. Mom and dad told me that they volunteered to join the vanguard team of the hospital. Wait for the call. I hope they can protect themselves.


  I love my parents, my city of Wuhan, my motherland and hope the epidemic will pass soon.









