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时间:2023-12-16 21:20:20 夏杰 日志日记 我要投稿
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  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 1


  "Its snowing! Its snowing! " I heard from my father that it snowed, and my family burst into a pot.

  先下雨,再下冰雨,最后变成了雪。中午时,我先听爸爸说下雪了,我激动得睡不着觉。马上跑过去一看,哎,哪是下雪,明明是下雨嘛!爸爸真是一派胡言乱语。我便垂头丧气睡午觉了!我做了 一个梦,梦见真的下雪了,白雪皑皑,房顶白了,地面白了,树也白了,真是银装素裹,美丽极了。一觉醒来,好像梦想成真了,房顶白了,地面白了,树也白了,这对我说是一件天大的'喜事,我连忙 叫醒还睡在梦乡的妈妈,说:“妈妈妈妈快醒来。妈妈妈妈快醒来。”妈妈醒来,我把事情的经过一一说出来,妈妈连忙说:“岚岚,穿厚点别冻着了,越是下雪天越是冷。

  First it rained, then it snowed, and finally it became snow. At noon, I first heard from my father that it snowed. I was so excited that I couldnt sleep. Run to see, ah, its snowing. Its raining! Dad is such a bunch of nonsense. Ill take a nap with my head down! I had a dream. I dreamed that it was really snowing. It was snowy. The roof was white. The ground was white. The trees were white. It was really covered in silver. It was very beautiful. When I wake up, it seems that my dream has come true. The roof is white, the ground is white, and the trees are white. Its a big happy event for me. I wake up my mother who is still sleeping in my dream, and say: "Mom, mom, wake up soon. Mom, mom, wake up. " When my mother woke up, I told her the story one by one. My mother said: "Lan Lan, dont be frozen in thick clothes, the colder it is in snowy days.


  I like snow. The snow is very beautiful.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 2


  Just now! At 10:13 a.m. on Sunday, the first snow in 20xx began to fall!


  In the morning, when I was tired of doing my homework, I glanced at the window - snow! I jumped up from my seat and came to the window. I opened the window and held out my hand carefully. I saw that the snowflake was really floating on my hand. My heart pounded with excitement and my teeth began to fight.


  I looked at the tiny snowflake on my hand, and there was an infinite echo in my heart: "snow... Snow... Snow..."


  The snowflakes on my hands are exquisite and transparent, with the wind of crystal. But it didnt take long for the snow to become smaller and smaller. At last, it became a pure little water drop. Then, slowly, slowly dispersed, until it was hard for the naked eye to see······


  It snowed for about ten minutes, then it stopped. I cant help sighing: Come fast, go fast.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 3


  Today, its snowing all the time. Its the biggest snow in my memory.


  In the morning, before I got up, I heard my mothers excited cry: "get up, look at the snow. I havent seen such a big snow in more than ten years..." I couldnt help but want to see the amazing snow scene of my mother, so I quickly put on my clothes and saw through the window that all the objects outside the window were white, and the world seemed to be very clean in a moment.


  Mom and I came to the yard together, making castles and snowfights.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 4

  晚上吃完晚饭,我和爸爸在公园里散步,天渐渐下起鹅毛般的雪,我高兴极了,在雪中奔跑,小雪花一片紧接这一片,飘飘悠悠地落下来,多像一个亲密的大家族,三三两两地在一起散步,多 么悠闲自在!

  After dinner in the evening, my father and I took a walk in the park. It was snowing like goose feather gradually. I was very happy. I ran in the snow. The small snowflakes followed this one. They fell down leisurely. They were like a close big family. They walked together in three or three places. How leisurely and comfortable!


  Step by step, I walk on the snow. The snow under my feet is soft. The footprints left by the snow behind are like beating notes and lines of poetry written by a child. Its cold and crisp.


  The snow kept on falling. The flying snow seemed to tell me that it came to the world to leave a white trace on the earth and make a spring of life for the trees.


  The snow is getting heavier and heavier, and the snow on the ground is getting thicker and thicker, ah! New Year gift: the first snow in 20xx in Puyang.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 5

  今天下午,我准备和姑姑、奶奶出去买黄面,发现外面下雪了,然后我拿着我的小雨伞下楼了。下楼后我看见有好多雪花从天上落下来,那些小雪花很像盐还有糖。雪飘到脸上、鼻子上、眼睛上、 嘴巴上感觉特别“扎”人,凉凉的`;雪落到了我的手心里就变成了水,我感觉可好玩;小雪花落到头上没感觉出来。我心里想:要是雪一直下这么大的话,我就可以堆一个大大的雪人了。

  This afternoon, I was going out to buy yellow noodles with my aunt and grandma. I found it snowed outside. Then I took my umbrella and went downstairs. When I went downstairs, I saw a lot of snowflakes falling from the sky. Those little snowflakes were like salt and sugar. The snow drifts to the face, nose, eyes and mouth, which makes people feel cool. When the snow falls into my hand, it becomes water, which makes me feel funny. When the little snow falls on my head, I dont feel it. I thought to myself: if the snow keeps falling so much, I can make a big snowman.


  I saw in the childrens pictorial that snowflakes have six corners. My mother and I cut beautiful snowflakes with colored paper. I also gave Guo Jingyuan a pink "snowflake".


  I like snow, because when it snows, you can make a big snowman. Its fun.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 6

  清晨,我还躺在温暖的被窝里,就听见妈妈说:”豆豆,下雪了,快起来看一看呀。“我一骨碌就爬了起来,赶忙跑到窗户边往外看,哇!好大的雪啊。只见天空中飘着鹅毛般的雪片,大地铺着厚厚的 雪毯,树上披着美丽的银装,到处一片洁白。

  In the early morning, I was still lying in the warm quilt, and I heard my mother say, "Doudou, its snowing. Get up and have a look.". "As soon as I got up, I ran to the window and looked out. WOW! What a heavy snow. I can only see that there are goose like snowflakes floating in the sky, the earth is covered with thick snow blankets, and the trees are covered with beautiful silver, and everywhere is white.


  Walking on the way to school, a large amount of snowflakes fall on people, just like a big snowman who can walk around. I put my sleeve in front of my eyes and carefully watched the snowflakes falling on it: snowflakes are like flowers, some are five petals, some are six petals, white and crystal clear, very beautiful.


  Almost to the school gate, I suddenly slipped in the snow, the snow is like a soft quilt, fell on it do not feel any pain. When the students came, everyones faces were red and everyone was very excited. We had an appointment to make a snowman and have a snowball fight together after school.


  I really like snow!

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 7

  snow floated down, sprinkled on the earth. fuzzy throughout the world. what a beautiful little snowflake。 as sacred to give people gifts on here on earth. warm everyones heart. and like the noble white swan, jitter white wings, landed on earth. light snow flowers larger, dense, sprinkled on the flowers, trees, issued a "rustling" sound, like a beautiful, beautiful song in the snow.

  light snow flower more the more thick, like the countless white petals fall down and fly in the earth. later, under the snow, the greater the light snow flower in the air you pull me pull, you hug me, i hold you tight, how close。 the whole world into a white, very beautiful. as snow, gently stroking the earth, glowing through the every corner of the earth, the earth on the silver plating. this charming snowflakes, like white castle danced in the air. and as they have shed the petals, flying. the goose feather snow, warm everyones winter, warm everyones heart, make this better world is becoming more perfect...



  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 8


  This morning, it was grey. Lying in the warm quilt, I heard my grandmother say to my mother, "it snowed last night." I immediately rub my eyes to get up and look out of the window, wow! Its snowing in the distance!

  我们楼对面的空地上,本是连绵起伏、坑坑洼洼的土堆,可一下雪就不一样了。那里的土堆变成了一座座白色的“小城堡”,还挺好看的呢!马路变得焕然一新,这也是雪的功劳,雪融化后,把 路面冲洗的干干净净。雪落在树上,就像结了一朵朵雪白的'棉花,給光秃秃的树枝添加了不少风采……

  In the open space opposite our building, it was originally a continuous and pothole mound of earth, but when it snowed, it was different. The mound there has become a white "little castle". Its very beautiful! The road has become a new one, which is also the contribution of snow. After the snow melts, the road surface is washed clean. The snow falls on the trees like white cotton, adding a lot of grace to the bare branches.


  Ah! This is really a good snow! It moistens the dry land in time and purifies the air. I love the snow!


  I improvised a childrens song called "snowed". "Its snowing. Its snowing. The road has changed. The trees are white and the roads are new. My friends and I are so happy. "

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 9


  Its spring, but its still very cold these days. The river is frozen. I see a little bird walking on the ice. My hands are red with cold, like a big radish. When I write, they are crooked.


  In the afternoon, when it snowed, the students cried happily, "snow! Snow!" but the group stopped. Its a pity.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 10


  Its cold today. As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw that it was like the world covered with a big white quilt. I just thought, "by the way, Ill go to the park."


  As soon as I walked into the park, I saw two children were having a snowball fight. They held the white snow in their hands and kneaded it into snowballs. Two children made snowmen together. They put on a red nose, a big hat, small round eyes, a broom, and the one who got on the sledge and then slid down the mountain.


  I played with them all over the face red, one by one faces like red apples.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 11


  Get up in the morning, I open my eyes, ah! Out of the window became a silvery white world on the ground, trees, roofs are full of white snow.


  The snowflakes are still flying in the sky. I cried happily, "its snowing! Its snowing! " I put on my clothes quickly. I told my parents it was snowing outside. Then I had breakfast and went to school.

  下雪了的英语日记带翻译 12


  Last night my mother said that I would get up early in the morning to see the snow. The first thing I woke up this morning was to lie on the window and watch the snow. There was no snow on the road, and there was only a thin layer on the roof. It seems that the dream of snowman could not be realized again.


  Lets go. Lets go a little bigger. I really want to make a snowman and have a snowball fight.

  下雪了的.英语日记带翻译 13


  Last night, when we went for a walk, it snowed in the sky. Its snowing harder and harder.


  The flying snowflakes play with me! The more I want to catch them, the more I cant. In a short time, the hair and clothes are covered with white snow. Its like a snowman! Ha ha……










