我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-01-15 14:54:33 台词 我要投稿





  BoJack: I'm not afraid of commintment, I commint things all the time, It's the following through on that commintment that I take a issue with.

  Bojack: I know that I can be selfish and naricssistic and self-destructive, but underneath all that, deep down, I am a good person.


  Everything is society's fault, and we as individuals never need to take responsibility for anything. Yeah, I like that. I didn't do anything wrong because I can't do anything wrong, because we're all just products of our environment, that is our random and cruel universe. Yeah, it's not my fault, it's society. 

  The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and evantually, you'll be dead.

  Bojack: Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets.

  there is nothing the least bit funny about stealing a meal from Neal McBeal the Navy Seal.


  本剧的世界设定是普通人类和拟人化的.动物共同生活在一起,除了外形,这些动物跟人类没什么不同。马男波杰克(威尔·阿奈特 Will Arnett 配音)就是一匹中年过气明星马,他年轻时主演的电视剧《胡闹的小马》风靡一时,而今他已是无人问津的过气明星,与人类废柴陶德(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 配音)一同生活在LA的一所别墅里。为了重整旗鼓,波杰克在经纪人兼前女友卡罗琳公主(艾米·塞德丽丝 Amy Sedaris 配音)催促下决定出版一部自传,希望回到大众视野里。但是由于波杰克过分拖延迟迟不肯下笔,出版社介绍了一位枪手作者戴安(爱丽森·布里 Alison Brie 配音)给他。波杰克多番拒绝,终于,在一个派对上,他与戴安相遇了,却发现她竟是自己的死对头花生酱先生的女朋友。










