我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-03-30 09:46:47 读后感 我要投稿





  To say the most impressive book, "the scream" is the first, really, not an exaggeration. The protagonist in kong yiji; Hua laohua in "medicine"; The fourth sister-in-law in "tomorrow"; Ah Q in "ah Q", all of them can jump on the paper. "The scream" is a collection of classic novels by lu xun.

  Mr. Lu xun is the backbone of the Chinese nation, and he summed up the Chinese people in the words of "mourning his misfortune and his anger against it" in "the Shouting". These eight words deeply contain the pity and sorrow for the Chinese people.

  Remember, the family is poor, lazy, idle, low social hierarchy and longing for the upper class life. He is the subject of ridicule in the hotel, and he steals it in his life. In the end, the book that stole the rich was interrupted. Is kong yiji's death a symbol of the fall of education in China? I also saw the reader's sorrow. What are they to show off, but what is knowledge in the eyes of the world? Mr. Lu xun's portrayal of the characters is only a few, but exquisitely delineated the image of a fallen scholar, who has been infected for several generations.

  Remember, the "tofu xi shi" who said what the person said; The "little hero with a silver collar on the endless green watermelons," he nodded with a sad, sad look when he saw the author. The people were exposed to the oppression and suppression of the feudal forces.

  The drug shows a democratic ignorance and ignorance. The environmental description seems to be the darkness and turbulence of the world at that time. It makes people deeply sad about their own ignorance.

  If I were to ask which of my favorite novels in "the scream", I would not hesitate to choose "ah Q". "The true story of ah Q" is one of the most representative articles in "na xia". He became a household name because it "wrote the soul of a modern man". Ah Q has a very complicated personality: he is simple and stupid, exploited and bullied and can't face reality, he has an instinctive discontent with the power. Because of the oppression of exploitation, ah Q was forced to revolution, and was left behind by the dupe, and was eventually persecuted to death. Ah Q is really just a poor peasant in old China. In the village, ah Q didn't have the right to name zhao. He was a man of short work, and was so poor that he had only one pair of trousers. He was a weak man, bullied by others and bullied more than he was. He was beaten, and he used the words of his son to comfort himself, to win in spirit, and to self-deceive himself. He often worries about his livelihood... Savage oppression and exploitation made him poor; The deep mockery of the poison made him even more senseless. His "revolutionary action" was to go to a retreat. So, ah Q couldn't face up to his position and indulged in the more humiliating slave life. This is also the biggest weakness of the Chinese people.

  After I have read so many literary works, lu xun's "the scream" still makes me lose my breath. In lu xun's works, he is full of the national responsibility of his anxious people, full of his deep love for the Chinese nation. His words were sharp, and his works sharply criticized the unreasonable feudal system. Ah! China, quick to wake up, reorganize my Chinese power!


  Lu xun's article was removed from the subject of the book, which is now "out". The discussion of wind and fire lasted for a few days, and then it was overwhelmed by hundreds of millions of messages on the Internet, and even the head didn't surface again. I rediscovered the scream from the cupboard for the news that I didn't know, and sat on the ground, watching the sky turn dark, and the thunder and the rain poured down together.

  When I was young, it would be a pity if I didn't read lu xun properly. If not moved by that hold the deep and painful feelings, is not that kind of shock was saturated with anger and sadness of the brush, the kind of compassion, how could that kind of unruly, that kind of cynical and find a place to store, find the resonance of the deep and sharp?

  The year still can't get rid of. However, the time did pass, no matter how tangled, or the past. The rest of the text, at first glance, is intimidating.

  Perhaps it is a good thing to move lu xun out of the book, at least to send a signal that the time has passed for the grinning and clenched fist. However, without the compulsory reading of textbooks, how many children will read lu xun now? In this era when the college entrance examination is the biggest motivation, too few people will think about it and eliminate it from the textbooks, which means that the vast majority of children will lose the chance to know lu xun well.

  Young, if you can read lu xun, have a taste of the human nature the sour and spicy to touch belongs to the depths of the human nature of boiling and cold, grow up, face yourself and life, will be a little less dazed, dedication and integrity.

  When young, if you can read lu xun, take a look at the passing of the society, smell the flavor of that society, grew up, in the face of not too much change of society, will be a little less angry, more easy and calm.

  When young, if you can read lu xun, to share a bit of a timeless truth and error, inherent paranoid with radical jump a few times, grow up, face the tumultuous times, still will be a little less disappointed, adhere to and strength.

  If you can use lu xun to see the outline of some of the ultimate questions, more or less, even just a glimpse of the problem.







《呐喊》 读后感04-03


